Atlantis Alumni

Monday, April 16, 2007

The Va. Tech Horror

Another senseless massacre of young students has taken place, just four days before the anniversary of the Columbine shootings. I feel so sorry for those who lost their lives, and for their parents friends and relatives. And I feel sorry for all of us who feel powerless to reverse the course of this increasingly violent country. Can you believe that some people are already complaining that the University's policy prohibiting students from carrying concealed handguns on campus is responsible for this? Just what do the gun crazies want, daily Dodge City style shootouts on our college campuses?

Until the recently decided Federal Circuit Court decision that threw out Washington, D.C's handgun ordinance, no federal court decision had supported an individual right to bear arms. Read the Constitution! Law enforcement officials everywhere support strict handgun control. The D.C. decision will be appealed and, I hope overturned. Let's hope this happens before yet another massacre takes place.


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