Atlantis Alumni

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

The Seafood Delicacies Of NW Spain

The Northwest of Spain has to be one of the best places in the world for seafood lovers. The restaurant windows in Santiago are filled with fresh catches from the sea including lobsters, crabs, and fish. However, some unusual and expensive delicacies are also served, including razor clams, and the most unusual and tasty Percebes, or goose barnacles.

Here is part of what writer Bill Cassleman has to say about Percebes:

The percebe is a delicious, edible gooseneck barnacle. Seafood lovers
proclaim the succulent lusciousness of its slippery, slurpable innards make
percebes earth’s best-tasting seafood. This opinion holds sway throughout Spain,
said to consume more seafood per person than any country in the world.

I had the opportunity to sample this dish at the Parador in Santiago while we were staying there. An appetizer plate for one costs $75.00 but they were worth it. To me they have a wonderful subtle flavor all their own, as does escargot!


PHOTO: The Percebes by Hans Hillewaert (Wiki Commons)

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