Atlantis Alumni

Wednesday, October 25, 2017

Fun In St. John, New Brunswick

After the ship docked, the fog cleared, we did our customary two mile walk around deck ten. Then Dan played the piano in the main dining room. Jim enjoyed his very first zip line adventure near the famous St. John reversing rapids. This is a unique phenomenon created by the collision of the Bay of Fundy and the Saint John River. At low tide the river empties into the bay causing a series of rapids and whirlpools. As tides rise they slow the river current for a brief period called slack tide. The Bay's tides continue to rise, gradually reversing the flow of the river, and rapids form again, peaking at high tide. Tide cycles take about 12.5 hours. Jim joined 12 other shipmates as they suited up into full body harnesses complete with camera-equipped helmets which enabled each participant to make a video of the exciting experience. They then climbed four or five story high towers where each in turn was attached to safety lines and to the zip lines for the thrilling rides toward the rapids. While Jim was zip lining Dan joined our Baltimore friends and their pals for a visit to the New Brunswick Museum, which houses everything from Canadian art to whale skeletons and a huge preserved sunfish, stuffed birds and animals, to industrial exhibits and ship models. Later, Dan and Jim enjoyed a tasty seafood lunch at Billy's Seafood Company on King's Square. - written by Dan and Jim

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