Atlantis Alumni

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

"Our Lips Are Sealed," a new documentary film, was shown on Tuesday evening, August 23, 2011 at the Cherry Grove Community House on Fire Island. The film received a strong ovation from the audience, which was our largest of the season for our regular "Tuesday Night At The Movies" summer film series. On a personal note, having watched Matty & Bobby's kiss streaming live for hours as it took place last year, watching the film is an emotional experience. "Our Lips Are Sealed" captures the unique spirit of love and support for Matty and Bobby that poured in from all over the world. It highlights Matty and Bobby's dedication and courage, emphasizing their concern for GLBT equality and the plight of GLBT youth, who are all to often the victims of bullying or abuse because of who they are. Matty and Bobby are an inspiration. With young gay heroes like Matty and Bobby who are willing to put themselves on the line for change, we cannot help but achieve full GLBT equality very soon.

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